What makes stepmothering so hard? And why are we, as people and as a culture, so hard on stepmothers? Stepmonster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act the Way We Do is a truly groundbreaking and unique book for women with stepchildren, men with children of any age who repartner, adult stepchildren…and anyone who knows and cares about a woman with stepchildren. It is a reconsideration of stepfamily dynamics…from the perspective of the stepmother.
Part no-hold-barred memoir of what it is like to stepmother in the trenches, part interviews with other women with stepchildren ...
What makes stepmothering so hard? And why are we, as people and as a culture, so hard on stepmothers? Stepmonster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act the Way We Do is a truly groundbreaking and unique book for women with stepchildren, men with children of any age who repartner, adult stepchildren…and anyone who knows and cares about a woman with stepchildren. It is a reconsideration of stepfamily dynamics…from the perspective of the stepmother.
Part no-hold-barred memoir of what it is like to stepmother in the trenches, part interviews with other women with stepchildren, part research-based analysis of why stepmothering is uniquely tough and what can make it easier, Stepmonster has touched a nerve among lay audiences, igniting conversation, controversy, and debate online, in the news, and in book groups across the country and around the world. Readers consistently describe Stepmonster as “my Bible,” “the best book about stepmothering available,” and “life altering.” Therapists have called it “indispensible,” “highly recommended,” and “my go-to resource on stepfamily issues.”
Synthesizing recent sociological, anthropological, and psychological literature, Stepmonster also offers historical and cultural analysis of the wicked stepmother myth; insights on stepmothering across cultures and in our evolutionary prehistory; and analysis of contemporary media and popular culture. Avoiding over-simplistic "advice," Stepmonster offers an unprecedentedly comprehensive consideration of the complexities of the stepmother--as cultural signifier, literary creation, and real person. Stepmonster was a finalist for the prestigious Books for a Better Life Award. It will help you learn not just the hows but the whys of stepfamily life and stepmothering.