
Tell Me About It — Top Ten Concerns of Stepparents Addressed

Published by Wednesday Martin
And the top ten concerns of stepmothers are...
And the top ten concerns of stepmothers are...

Over the months, many of you have written me about your concerns as women with stepchildren. I'd like to list and address the top ten — so I need your help. What's on your list of top concerns? Here are some ideas from all of you so far (not in any order)...

Tell Me About It — How Do YOU Balance Kids' Needs with Yours?

Published by Wednesday Martin
How do you balance your needs as a couple with the kids' needs?
How do you balance your needs as a couple with the kids' needs?

Susan Wisdom, LPC, is answering a question she hears a lot when she does therapy with couples in repartnerships with children: "How do we balance the needs of his kids with our needs as a couple?"

Tell Me About It — YOUR Friendships

Published by Wednesday Martin
Did you know friendships have a greater affect on your physical and emotional health than your marriage or partnership does?
Did you know friendships have a greater affect on your physical and emotional health than your marriage or partnership does?

I recently posted a piece on my blog that summarizes the research on how and why friendship is good for you. Now I want to know about YOUR friendships and support networks.

Social Support — that's "friends" to you and me — is your secret weapon

Published by Wednesday Martin
Friendship plays a huge role in our physical and emotional well-being
Friendship plays a huge role in our physical and emotional well-being

Do you have a Valentine's Day hangover? Have you read a million articles and heard a million news reports about marriage and love and crazy proposal schemes and so on over the last days and weeks? Couples and romance are big news — and big business. With so much recent emphasis on the couple bond, romance, love, sex, and so on during the build-up to Valentine's Day, some other very important relationships may not have gotten their due.

Love, Lust, Sex, Power, Romance: Kela Price asks, "Why Did I Get Married?"

Published by Wednesday Martin
Kela Price of (formerly Blended Family Soap Opera)
Kela Price of (formerly Blended Family Soap Opera)

I often find myself in a mind-meld with Kela Price, co-founder of the recently re-named Today's Modern Family web site (it used to be Blended Family Soap Opera. Being me, I had my reservations about the "blended" part — but felt she and her partner Diane Green were right on target with the "soap opera" half of the equation). Kela and Diane run an informative, supportive site and Kela authored the tremendously popular "Healthy Marriage or Healthy Divorce?" that had us all talking recently.

CBC Radio Interviews: "Is Marriage Necessary?"

Published by Wednesday Martin
I'll be discussing the state of marriage on various CBC morning programs Friday FEb 12 from 6-9 am EST
I'll be discussing the state of marriage on various CBC morning programs Friday FEb 12 from 6-9 am EST

For any Canadian blog followers and FB fans, please tune in to your local CBC radio station tomorrow a.m. to hear me talk about the state of marriage in 2010, which will be running on numerous CBC morning shows nationally ! And call your local CBC station if you'd like them to air the interview.

Love, Sex, Romance, Marriage: Is Marriage Necessary? on

Published by Wednesday Martin
Why did our ancestors marry? And why do we? Is marriage necessary?
Why did our ancestors marry? And why do we? Is marriage necessary?

As we count down to Valentine's day in this Love, Sex, Romance, Power series, today I ask the question, "Is Marriage Necessary?" What can psychologists and couples therapists — and married people — learn from the history and sociology of marriage?
Have a look...and leave a comment: