
Holiday Tip #8

Published by Wednesday Martin

From Peggy Nolan, this tip you need!! See my blog roll to the right for Peggy's site, the Stepmom's Toolbox. Full of great information, advice, and upbeat perspectives on stepmothering. Peggy Says...

"Carve out 30 minutes to YOURSELF each day. Meditate, go for a walk, read, soak in a hot bubble bath (with a glass of wine if you choose), practice a few rounds of Sun Salutation - do something for you that recharges your batteries, refills your cup, brings you inner calm, peace and poise of mind."

To which I can only add: MAKE A LIST of things that make you happy. Seriously, write the things down. And then do them over the next days and weeks. Promise?

Please leave more holiday survival tips...thanks for your comments!