
Sarah B. of BlissfullyBlended on Stepmonster: "The only book for stepmothers that I have not wanted to throw out of the window in frustration"

Published by Wednesday Martin

You've got to love that Sarah B of BlissfullyBlended

She recently posted a review of Stepmonster, which she describes as "unlike any book on stepparenting or stepmothering that I have read." And she should know. Like other women with stepkids, Sarah seems to appreciate that a book is finally looking at remarriage with children from the point of view of the woman with stepchildren. Rather than reducing her to a replacement parent, or a "spouse soother," Stepmonster puts the woman with stepkids at the center of the discussion and back at the center of her own life, exploring a stepmother's emotional reality, cultural history, and more. And that seems to be touching a nerve.

Here's Sarah's review: