
Stepmonster in May Issue of StepMom Magazine: "I started reading and I couldn't put it down!"

Published by Wednesday Martin

This is what Brenda Ockun, president and publisher of Stepmom Magazine, the only monthly magazine for women with stepchildren, has to say about in the May issue of the magazine:

"I started to read it and couldn’t put it down. This book answered so many questions and addressed dozens of issues I’ve personally faced as a StepMom. I found myself reading paragraphs out loud from across the house saying things to my husband like 'you’ve got to hear this' or 'see, this is exactly how I felt.'
I’m privileged to share an exclusive interview with Stepmonster’s author, Wednesday Martin, Ph.D. Wednesday is smart, thoughtful and funny. I know you’ll enjoy her responses as much as I did."

The whole issue is really worth reading, with articles on stepmom recharging strategies, what to do when his kids say you're not part of the family, taking the parenting out of stepparenting, and much more. You can subscribe by clicking on StepMom magazine on my resources list.